Antonin Vidon

About me

Hi! I am a second year grad student at Columbia University currently enrolled in the MS in Data Science. In the past, I earned a master’s degree in Applied Mathematics at École Polytechnique in France, where I am originally from.

My current work experience in Machine Learning consists of one internship in RL research and another one as an ML Engineer in an automation Start-up. During the former, I developed a deep generative model capable of imitating “expert-like” navigation behavior on different types of surfaces. As for the ML Engineer position, I worked on improving the reading order of segments extracted from pages with complex layouts so as to provide better context to downstream tasks. Earlier in my graduate program, I also had the opportunity to serve as a teaching assistant in electromagnetism and thermodynamics at Shanghai Jiao Tong University for two consecutive semesters.


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Image-to-image translation with cGAN

Performed image colorization and reconstruction with pix2pix[1]-like cGAN architecture

[1] Philip Isola and Jun-Yan Zhu, Tinghui Zhou and Alexei A. Efros, Image-to-Image Translation with Conditional Adversarial Networks, arvix:, doi: 10.48550/ARXIV.1611.07004.

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Surgical phase recognition

Developing phase recognition models based on MobileNetV2 [1] to classify frames from Hernia surgery videos (14 labels)

[1] Sandler, Mark, et al. “MobileNetV2: Inverted Residuals and Linear Bottlenecks.” ArXiv:1801.04381 [Cs], Mar. 2019.,


Breast Histopathology : custom ResNet

Predicting whether a breast tissue patch (scanned at x40) is cancerous

[1] Kaiming He, Xiangyu Zhang, Shaoqing Ren, Jian Sun. Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition. arXiv:1512.03385
[2] Deng, J. et al., 2009. Imagenet: A large-scale hierarchical image database. In 2009 IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. pp. 248–255

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Squeeze and Excitation Networks

Performing adaptative channel-wise feature recalibration to enhance state-of-the-art CNN architectures

[1] Kaiming He, Xiangyu Zhang, Shaoqing Ren, Jian Sun. Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition. arXiv:1512.03385
[2] S. Hitawala, Evaluating ResNeXt Model Architecture for Image Classification, CoRR. abs/1805.08700 (2018)
[3] Christian Szegedy, Vincent Vanhoucke, Sergey Ioffe, Jonathon Shlens, Zbigniew Wojna, “Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision”, arXiv [cs.CV] 2015
[4] Hu, J., Shen, L., Albanie, S., Sun, G. and Wu, E., 2022. Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks
[5] Krizhevsky, Alex, Vinod Nair, and Geoffrey Hinton. ”The CIFAR-10 dataset.” online: html (2014)
[6] Krizhevsky, Alex, Vinod Nair, and Geoffrey Hinton. ”The CIFAR-100 dataset.” online: html (2014)
[7] Jiayu Wu, Qixiang Zhang, and Guoxi Xu. Tiny imageNet challenge. Technical Report, 2017

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Energy consumption and human development

Puting to the test some intuitive insights between energy consumption and human development core components



Creating an R package to easily animate data

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Breast Histopathology : exploratory analysis and classification with scikit-learn

Predicting whether a breast tissue patch (scanned at x40) is cancerous

Integration of physical models into voxel-based video games

Teaching gamers how classical mechanics, thermodynamics and chemistry interact together and how to improve their gameplay accordingly


COVID19 Retweet Prediction

Predicting how many times a tweet will be retweeted

[1] Devlin, J., Chang, M., Lee, K. and Toutanova, K., 2022. BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding